October 24, 2020
Holly Alvarado

New Finds - October 24th (1)

Hopa Tala, Moon Kissed, and Pale Honey

Follow the New Finds playlist on Spotify and Apple Music to listen to these and more!

Today's songs are"Crazy" by Hope Tala, "Shake // Those Feelings” by Moon Kissed, and "Some Time Alone" by Pale Honey.

Hope Tala - Crazy

Young London native Hope Tala brings to the center stage a re-birth of vintage R&B with a harmonious pop-saturated soul, and it’s just what we need as the fall season approaches.

As of this week, Tala has released her newest track “Crazy” that serves as the first single off of her EP set to release October 30. While graduating with honors from the University of Bristol in English Literature at the age of 21, Tala has proven herself as a diligent multi-dimensional artist who lands over 500,000 streams per month—all while graduating. With influences from artists such as D’Angelo and Lauryn Hill, she weaves her own drizzle of R&B. The lyrics of “Crazy” hold a double meaning, and lyricism any young adult can relate to. Tala enthralls us with the emotions of going wild on the dancefloor with someone you love, yet knowing nothing needs to hold you back from this moment—just go crazy.

You can watch her live performance of “Crazy” here

Moon Kissed - Shake // Those Feelings

Exhilarating, intimate, freeing—something that exudes in every Moon Kissed track. The three-piece Brooklyn based baroque pop band met at a New Year’s party in 2018, and the rest is history. With the release of “Shake//Those Feelings” Moon Kissed reminds us that they’re a rock band, simple as that. And if you go into this track expecting a synth-pop like dream, you'll be more than pleased. With roller-coaster-like guitar riffs and an overall soundscape bearing resemblances to New York legends The Strokes, Moon Kissed still shifts into its own unique mastery of what they bring to the table in the Brooklyn music scene. You can listen to “Shake//Those Feelings” here.

Pale Honey - Some Time, Alone

Lastly, we have Pale Honey with the newest single “Some Time, Alone” off their anticipated third record. The female-fronted alternative-rock trio hailing from Gothenburg, Sweden creates a setting of one that acknowledges having some time alone is exactly what we need, and quite frankly, it’s where we end up anyways. “Some Time, Alone” explore heavier, energetic instrumentals in terms of bass and guitar lines that glide right through the almost four-minute track. Executing an indie-pop rawness usually found in Swedish groups, yet Pale Honey attracts an international crowd beyond their limits.

Pale Honey’s slow-burning rise to fam in Sweeden is linked to the release of their first self-titled debut record, Pale Honey, and the craftsmanship like attitude within the trio’s lyricism. While snagging a nomination as Newcomer of the Year at the P3 Gold-Gala in Sweden after the debut album release, as well as being nominated in no less than three categories for Sweden’s Gaffa Prize, it’s clear as day that Pale Honey is just getting started. You can listen to “Some Time, Alone” here.

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