July 16, 2022
Jackie Bartholome

"EYES" by The Blaze

If you haven’t heard of French house duo The Blaze, be prepared to deep dive.

If you haven’t heard of French house duo The Blaze, be prepared to deep dive. Since their debut in 2016, cousins Guillaume and Jonathan Alric have received global acclaim for their self-directed music videos, winning awards from Cannes Lions Festival and UK Video Music Awards. With their raw, vulnerable story-telling, they’ve created a unique space in the electronic dance genre that’s more solemn, poetic, emotional, and intimate, exploring subjects of human connection, masculinity, loss, and isolation. Their newest single “EYES” was released last month along with a black and white, live performance music video—obviously a switch up from their past videos, but a beautiful peak at the emotion that goes into their performances. Musically, “EYES” is a prime example of how simple is sometimes best. It’s a song about love and heartache. It’s easy to sing and dance to. The melody lilts and the harmonies build with tension before that addictive break and beat drop. Watch and listen to “EYES” below.

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