July 24, 2020
Chad Brown

New Finds - July 24th

L.A. Salami, Jody Glenham, and moon nite

Follow the New Finds playlist on Spotify and Apple Music to listen to these and more!

L.A. Salami "The Talis-Man on the Age of Glass"

L.A. Salami is one of the greatest songwriters of our time. I know it's a bold statement, but I 100% believe that to be true. He's penned some of the most thought-provoking songs I've heard over the last several years from "Day to Day (for 6 Days a Week)" to "Gets You Wondering" to "Jean Is Gone" and so many more.

He made is highly anticipated return last week with the release of his new album The Cause of Doubt & a Reason to Have Faith. It's a wonderful listen from front to back, but the standout for me is the closer "The Talis-Man on the Age of Glass". The song kicks in with a distant harmonica and is quickly joined by a unique drum pattern and layers of guitar. The layers almost feel like they're fighting with each other, but in a playful way. That's what I love so much about this song and the whole album. He's experimenting with sounds and moods and pushing his own boundaries, but never loses any of the emotional and intellectual weight. It's incredible. Watch the music video below and go listen to the album, available everywhere now.

Jody Glenham "Barely Alive"

Jody Glenham is a Canadian musician who released the phenomenal new single "Barely Alive" last week. The song is the latest in a string of singles released over the last year leading up to her forthcoming album Mood Rock, out August 7th. The track starts with an ear-worm synth line that sets the tone perfectly for Glenham's soft and spellbinding vocals to take over. From there, Glenham slowly builds instrumentation until the track crescendos and drops out. It's a lovely ride. The single is accompanied by a cinematic music video directed by Cate Dunk. Check out the video below and listen to "Barely Alive" - available everywhere now.

moon nite "Weirdchamp (Blind Love #5)"

moon nite is the brainchild of Yuma, AZ artist George Romero. Romero started putting out music in 2017 under the name Feedback 2002, but changed the name to moon nite in late 2019. In March 2020, he released the 7-track EP Blind Love or Something. The EP is a great listen from start to finish, but the standout for me is track 3 titled "Weirdchamp (Blind Love #5)". The song is propelled by a simple guitar and drum line, but they work so well together with Romero's dream-pop vocal delivery. About a minute in he hits us with an emotional guitar and vocal breakdown while the track rings out. Check it out now - available everywhere.

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